Why We Fight

imgnAI - $imgnAI
8 min readOct 10, 2023


The road less traveled is often the most important.

When we launched imgnAI, our thesis was that leading consumer AI products would trend toward increasing censorship and diminishing capability compared to open-source innovation.

Few believed us then. Many understand us now.

While the greatest minds of our generation fight over whose platform can generate the most photorealistic New York City coffee shop, we fight for creative freedom. We fight so that every generator can manifest their vision and responsibly explore the full range of their imagination 🙏

Soon, we’ll release the foundation for our future: the imgnAI web app. To understand just how important this is, let’s explore what you can expect from the web app MvP, and how we can build this platform into a global hub for consumer AI.

Time to ship 🫡

The MvP

At launch, the imgnAI web app will be both image generation studio and social platform. Users can easily create an account, generate amazing art, and share their work for all to see.

The generation studio features our most popular in-house models along with 4-image output and advanced prompt controls for experienced users. Similar to our Discord app, users can infinitely transform their images using the variations, remix, and chaos buttons.

Once you create your masterpiece, you can upscale and share your image as a post, allowing all users on the platform to view and upvote your generation on the home page. There’s also a button to post your image on X and share it with the world.

Generate, transform, and share your art with the world!

The home page allows you to discover amazing art and prompts from other generators. It’s also a place to showcase your work and (in the future) earn rewards. It features distinct layout options, allowing you to view recent, trending, and top-performing posts.

By clicking into a post, you can see comments and hashtags from the creator, as well as the model and prompt used to create the image. In this way, all generators can engage with each other and inspire future generations.

Users also have a unique profile page where you can see previous posts and session history. The session history is preserved, allowing you to jump back into a previous generation flow whenever inspiration hits.

New users can easily create an account with a variety of login methods.

To create the most engaging platform possible, we recruited an incredible UX Designer and Front-End Developer to assist with the buildout. This team has experience at the highest level of product development, having worked on some of the world’s largest consumer apps. We look forward to continuing our work with them as we further upgrade the web app with new features and tooling beyond image generation.

Paid Premium

While the web app will launch as a free platform available to all users, we consider this a true MvP. In the weeks that follow our launch, we’ll heavily monitor for bugs and performance issues, and work to balance the greatly increased load on our server architecture that we anticipate. It’s critical that we optimize the web app in this MvP phase so that we’re best prepared for our next steps, which include paid premium, mass marketing campaigns, token incentives and reward program for users, and the pursuit of larger press opportunities.

Generators will play a key role in this MvP phase, as we depend on our power users to notify us of any bugs or UX issues they see. Please feel free to DM us on X or notify a team member on Telegram or Discord with any errors you notice. Our goal is to resolve all issues ahead of our next big catalyst: paid premium.

We’ve operated as a free platform from the start, and we’re committed to maintaining a robust free tier for all global users. However, to sustain our growth and development, we will soon turn on our paid premium tiers.

Paid premium will grant valuable perks like access to a prioritized generating queue, greater session history, exclusive models, and perhaps most important…

NSFW content generation.

It’s clear that NSFW content generation is going to be a leading category in consumer AI moving forward. However, every major platform continues to increase censorship and limit the creative freedom of their users. That’s where imgnAI has an opportunity to offer a market-leading NSFW experience.

It’s not just that NSFW content is barred from popular platforms. Training complex NSFW models that work at-scale for users of all skill levels is perhaps the most difficult form of model training that exists today. In fact, we see the creation of a complex and prompt-responsive NSFW model as a major achievement for all of consumer AI.

Our models are already capable of portrait-style nudity in a range of digital and photo-realistic art styles; but we have far greater ambitions. We’ve spent countless hours compiling data, testing labeling strategies, adjusting training specs, and so much more to create a best-in-class NSFW experience capable of complex anatomy. Our aim is to be first-to-market with a retail-ready, prompt-responsive NSFW image model, which will be available to all premium users.

What Comes Next

As we grow, we’ll continue to expand the web app with new components and features, always striving to offer the most cutting-edge blend of proprietary elements and open-source tech. This includes gamification elements to incentivize and reward users, support for open-source model developers, and the integration of AI tooling beyond image generation.

On the gamification side, we aim to reward power users as well as those who contribute popular posts to the home page. The idea is to implement a reward system that incorporates both $imgnAI tokens as well as premium credits. We can track points based on specific activities and peer-to-peer feedback, and reward generators with points that can be redeemed for tokens and/or credits. Our priority here is rewarding the most active and value-add members of the community, so we’ll work to optimize this system over time as the web app evolves.

With model hosting, our goal is to give all generators access to the most advanced image models in existence, while rewarding talented model developers around the world. Currently, these developers are limited to an audience of users who have the hardware and technical expertise to run Stable Diffusion on a local setup. By working with these talented developers, we can allow their models to be accessible to users around the world of all skill levels, and reward them based on the popularity of their work.

On open-source compatibility, our original thesis was that open-source development would not only close the gap with proprietary consumer AI, but outcompete it long-term. We’ve already seen many of the proprietary leaders of the past be rendered obsolete by open-source advancements, and we believe this trend will only accelerate.

To give our users access to the most cutting-edge consumer AI tech, we’ve positioned ourselves to be compatible with open-source development. In this way, we can act as a middle layer between open-source advances and retail users. That includes using open-source frameworks to advance our own suite of products, but also working to integrate open-source products that offer a unique consumer experience beyond our own.

Currently, the most cutting-edge AI tooling is disconnected from retail users who lack the hardware and technical skills to operate a local setup. We aim to close this gap by integrating open-source frameworks and adding our own proprietary elements to create the most user-friendly experience possible. We believe this is critical to keep pace in a sector that moves faster than anything the world has ever seen before.

Onward to Glory

With the release of our web app, we now have a platform that users of all ages and skill levels can use. This means the training wheels are off when it comes to marketing and user acquisition.

Following the launch of paid premium, we’ll start to roll out traditional marketing campaigns including paid media funnels, strategic press, and more. Like any well-run marketing operation, our plan is to start small, dynamically adjust our campaigns to optimize ROI, and scale up the most effective strategies to drive revenue and adoption.

Given our brand positioning around creative freedom, and the virality of images that our users create, there’s real potential for mass market awareness with our web app. Generative AI users are increasingly annoyed by growing censorship, and this narrative will only get stronger. Furthermore, the web app is designed with seamless account creation and UX, plus organic growth hooks that encourage visibility on the most viral and shareable images.

As a crypto-native team with a live token, we’re well positioned to fight for creative freedom. Using crypto as a censorship-resistant payment gateway allows us to draw our own borders around content moderation, and avoid the single-point-of-failure problem that plagues projects who rely solely on fiat payment rails.

To this point, we’ll be working to create seamless paths for Web2 users to subscribe via crypto payments and implement powerful incentives for crypto subscriptions. Onboarding the next generation of crypto natives is a huge aspect of our mission, and one that will further bolster our immunity to the whims of fiat processors. Thus, we’re deeply committed to incentivizing Web3 adoption on our platform.

More on this in the future. For now, we’ll work toward the launch of premium with both fiat and crypto payment rails available for all users.

It’s been quite a journey to get here. Now begins the next phase of imgnAI.

Thank you to the incredible generatooors who have been with us from the start, and to all of those joining us now and in the future. Together, we fight for creative freedom and for the right of every generatooor to responsibly explore the full spectrum of their imagination.

You can reach us on X, Telegram, and Discord if you have any questions or feature requests. Feel free to contact us at any time.

A sincere thank you again to our community for your amazing support. We truly have the best community in the world, and we’re so excited to be on this journey with you.

Post notifications on now 🤝 💕

As always…

More soon, genoratooors!



imgnAI - $imgnAI

ImgnAI is building the future of generative AI. More freedom. More fun. Let's generate!